Discover The Truth and Walk in Freedom
A Modern Philosophy of Universal Freedom
The Cosmology of Being presents a spiritual philosophy of freedom, that is based in the heart and emotions… pointing and guiding the reader beyond the concepts and ideas of who they are, into discovering and realizing their true, eternal nature. The Cosmology of Being speaks to all people from every area of life of the freedom that is their birthright. Recognizing your true place is to live with greater peace, joy, and abundance in your life experience.
The Cosmology of Being helps guide and offer pointers to the truth of Who You Really Are… a truth that once realized, will bless not only your life, but also the world around you. You can transcend the difficulties in life and change them into opportunities for authentic growth and fulfillment. In The Cosmology of Being, Nathan Wallace helps you to discover for yourself the truth, the vastness, the beauty, and magnificence of Who You Really Are!
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What is...
Inner Seeing
Inner Seeing is a 'spiritual practice' or way to freedom that is presented in The Cosmology of Being. Below is an excerpt from the book that discusses it's nature...
"We could say that Inner Seeing is facing yourself… as a person.
Inner Seeing is also a way of turning towards God, which we have been discussing in this text.
Inner Seeing is a way of going within yourself.
Inner Seeing is a way of looking and ‘seeing’ within the Spirit.
Inner Seeing is not meditation.
Meditation often focuses on something or uses some type of visualization, or perhaps chanting.
Inner Seeing does not focus on anything and there is no visualization or chanting.
Inner Seeing is not prayer either.
Prayer is a wonderful way to connect with Spirit.
Prayer has another being that it is directed towards, and often involves desires, petitions and requests.
Inner Seeing is not directed towards another being and doesn’t request anything or want anything.
I make no judgments as to whether prayer or meditation are good or not good.
My suggestion is whatever is truly helping you, to use it. In this text, Inner Seeing is our way.
Inner Seeing is a very basic “way” that is not involved with judgments and mental energy. It is spiritual.
Because Inner Seeing is not based in judgments, critiquing, compare and contrast, and the like, it is compatible with just about any religious or belief system.
Inner Seeing can be done by itself or coupled with prayer, meditation and many other modalities of your spiritual practice(s).
Inner Seeing is also not essential for realizing the pointings within this book.
The discussions and pointings are themselves enough for some people to realize The Truth.
However, if you want to go deeper or if you feel the pointings and discussions need some sort of ‘doing’ to make them more tangible, then I would suggest Inner Seeing.
Inner Seeing is not a practice or an exercise.
Inner Seeing is a way.
It is a way to turn towards God and turn over everything to God.
You can have the intention to Inner See and go into it; but in its essence, it is a surrender".
- excerpt from The Cosmology of Being, pages 247-249
* note: The Inner Seeing Experience (guided 'meditation') also has Guided and Music Only versions, links are in video's description.
About The Author
Nathan Wallace is an author, musician and teacher. Nathan has a passion for helping others and wants to see humankind love each other and live harmoniously together, honoring the Earth and all other life. After having overcome many personal challenges, Nathan is dedicated to the advancement of eternal truth, freedom and love for all.
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